What an amazing weekend of sunshine! I hope all of you were able to get outside and enjoy this beautiful city we call home. We are definitely blessed in more ways than one!
Here is a quick update for this week's events:
Don't forget, this Thursday is Back to School Night and while I know you are aware of the third grade policies and procedures, I would like to extend a warm invitation to all of you to visit with me for a brief time as I am excited to share the updates and plans for this school year. I hope to see you all on Thursday!
Curriculum Update for the Week of September 16, 2013
Religion: Chapter 2 Quiz on Wednesday- Study Guides will go home Monday; Begin Ch3: Christ will come again; Bible story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead
Reading: Read and discuss the story, "The Treehouse" and complete comprehension exercises that focus on character traits; Reading Vocabulary Words for this week are: magnificent, height, marvelous, peered, beautiful; Comprehension/Vocabulary Test on Friday
Guided Reading Groups are just getting underway in third grade. I have split the class into 4 groups to enable the students and I to work together in small groups. This will allow us to really dig into our reading selections and to develop the students' ability to become strategic readers.
Math: Multiply and Divide by 3; Multiplication and Area; Multiply and Divide by 4; Building Fluency with 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 9's and 10's; Quick Quiz on Thursday
Social Studies: Continue to study Chapter 1- Landforms and Man-Made Features of Land; Daily Geography Week 3
Science: Continue Chapter 1- How scientists answer questions, kinds of investigations, The Scientific Method; How scientists communicate- keep records, plan an experiment; graphs and collecting data
Language Arts: Continue Unit 1: Synonyms and antonyms, word associations, homophones; Subjects and Verbs; Continue to work on personal narratives
Spelling: Test this Friday; This week's spelling homework will follow last week's pattern of Monday- write each word 3 times, Tuesday: List the words in alphabetical order, Wednesday: Use each word in a sentence, Thursday: Study for Friday's test
Lastly, but certainly not least, I would like to thank Zoey's Grandparents for being our very first Secret Readers for the 2013-2014 school year. The class loved every minute of it as they read, "The Best Story", "Tutu Knows Best" and "Too Many Toys". Here are a two shots of our readers in action:
What a great time had by all!
If you would like to be a Secret Reader, be sure to send me an email with at least 3 possible dates you would be able to come in. Secret Readers are scheduled on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Friday of each month at 11:30 AM.
Well, that is all for now. I hope you have a fantastic week. Thank you for all you do to make SMA a great place to learn. Take care and God bless!
Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher
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