Dear Third Grade Parents,
Well, as we begin our third week together, I am anticipating a smooth week of familiar routines and a general sense of pattern. I hope you will be able to feel your third graders settling in and becoming comfortable with the start of this new school year. I know last week I felt we were coming together as a classroom community and enjoying our time learning from one another. It was a great week and I am expecting the same for this week. Please review the Curriculum Update below and please let me know should you have any questions.
Curriculum for the week of September 9, 2013:
Religion: Continue Chapter 2- Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God; Jesus dies and rises to save us; Practice quiz on Friday (not graded) to prepare for Chapter 2 Test next Tuesday.
Language Arts: Prepositional phrases; objects of the preposition; Finding the subject and verb of a sentence
Spelling: Our first spelling test will be this Friday on words with the short "e" sound. Nightly spelling homework includes: Mon- write each word three times, Tues- put the words in alphabetical order, Wed- write 7 sentences using at least one spelling word in each sentence, Thurs- Study spelling list.
Reading: Comprehension test on last week's story, "Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend"; Read and discuss the story, "Angel Child, Dragon Child". Learn and practice using reading vocabulary words: jangled, twittered, gleamed, darted, scrawled, and margins; Reading Vocabulary quiz on Thursday; Comprehension Test on, "Angel Child, Dragon Child" on Friday
Math: Continue to review multiplication facts for 2s, 5s and 3s; Multiplying and dividing by 9; Word problems using multiplication and division; Review multiplication facts for 9s and 10s
Social Studies: Physical features of land; Reading a landforms map; Human Made features of land; Daily Geography
Science: The skills scientists use; How scientists answer questions; Different kinds of investigations, the scientific method and models
Writing: Continue to work on personal narratives
Please remember to sign up to be a secret reader. 11:30 AM slots are available for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Friday of each month. Be sure to email me with at least 3 possible dates in which you are available to come in and share your love of reading with our fabulous third grade class. Remember, once your date is confirmed, be sure to keep it a secret as it is to be a surprise. Thank you!
Lastly, Scholastic Book Club orders are due this Friday. If you care to place your order online, just click on the link on the right sidebar. Feel free to order the old fashioned way by sending in a paper order accompanied with a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs and I will send it in for you.
Well, I hope all of you enjoyed our beautiful city this sunny weekend. Have a fantastic week! Take care and God bless.
Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher
PS. Thank you to our Third Grade Desk Fairy who donated a HUGE pack of Glade plug-ins. Our room smells just lovely.
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