Dear Third Grade Parents,
Well, we made it through our first week of full days! The third graders did an amazing job of getting right to it and have worked hard to start the year off right. I am so proud of them.
This coming week will be another busy week of learning. Please be sure to check this week's Curriculum Update to see all that is in store for your student.
Curriculum Update for the Week of September 8, 2014:
Religion: Continue to study Chapter 2- Jesus teaches about the gift of faith; Jesus dies and rises to save us; Chapter 2 Review and study guide; Chapter 2 Quiz next Tuesday
Math: Multiply and divide with 10; Write equations with variables; Multiply and divide with 9; Building fluency with 2's, 3's, 5's, 9's and 10's; Multiplication and division Test Friday on 2's, 3's, 5's, 9's and 10's
Reading: Continue to read and discuss, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- chapter 13-17; Discuss reading strategies and complete comprehension activities;
Science: Continue Chapter 1, Finish Lesson 2- What skills to do scientist use and how do they use them; Lesson 3: How do scientists answer questions?; Lesson 4: How scientists communicate- keep records and plan an experiment
Social Studies: Continue Chapter 1, Finish Lesson 2- Physical features of the land; Begin Lesson 3- Human-made features
Language Arts: (Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary Workshop): Begin Grammar with introduction of prepositions; Spelling Unit 2 with a test on Friday; Continue Vocabulary Workshop, Unit 2- Synonyms and antonyms and completing the sentence
Don't forget, there will be mass this Monday at 8:00. Please make every effort to have your student at school on time. Thank you! In addition, this Tuesday is our first Pizza Lunch of the 2014-2015 school year. Be sure to send lunch with your child if you have not signed them up for pizza lunch.
I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend, despite the heat. Please be sure to send a water bottle with your child tomorrow in case the heat persists. I want to make certain my third graders stay cool and hydrated as best they can. Thank you!
Lastly, we are in need of one more parent to come in and help the third grade class with their art. The class has art every Wednesday at 10:45-11:30. An extra pair of hands is always helpful when it comes to passing out supplies and answering questions. Please let me know if you are willing and able to help. Your time would be greatly appreciated!
Have a wonderful week and be sure to let me know should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for all you do to make Stella Maris Academy a great place to learn. Take care and God bless.
Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher
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