Dear Third Grade Parents,
Spring has officially arrived at last!!! I love this time of year. The extra hours of sunlight bring out an energy in the kids that is just plain contagious. I am often amazed at just how motivated our third grade students can be and how willing they are to forge ahead and go the extra mile. They are truly a great class! I am so proud of them.
With a minimum day scheduled for this Wednesday and Friday, our final week of the third quarter is promising to be quiet in terms of activities. However, there are three quizzes the students should be prepared for. Please be sure to check the Curriculum Update Listed below.
Curriculum Update for the Week of March 24, 2014:
Religion: Chapter 16 Quiz on Monday; Begin Chapter 17: The parts of the mass- Introductory Rites, The Liturgy of the Word and The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Math: Continue to review multiplication facts; Begin Chapter: Exploring Fractions; Locate fractions on a number line; Model Fractions
Language Arts: Continue to work on writing piece, "Three Things I Love About…"; Continue lessons on Verb tenses and Vocabulary Workshop Unit 5; Spelling test on Friday
Reading: Continue to meet in Guided Reading Groups; Group 1: Begin to read and discuss The Wizard of Oz Chapters 1-6; Group 2: Finish reading Peter Pan; Whole Group reading lesson: Read and discuss a CLose Reading passage titled "Spring"
Science: Continue Chapter 6- Weathering and Erosion; Types of Landforms quiz on Friday
Social Studies: Continue Chapter 9- America's Landmarks, monuments and memorials
I would like to thank Mrs. Daley for her Art Literacy lesson on Paul Klee. The students did a fantastic job creating their own pieces of art work inspired by Klee's unique artistic style. I cannot wait for you to see them. The artistic talent in our class is amazing!
Finally, I would also like to thank Mrs. Koresaar, Mrs. Goldman and Mrs. Stiko for creating a special project for the class last Friday. Their Secret Reader session was a terrific time and we learned all about using the extra things we have at home to make something beautiful. Thank you, Moms! We had a great time!
I hope all of you have a fantastic week. Thank you for all you do to help make Stella Maris Academy an amazing place to learn. Take care and God bless.
Ms. Eileen Griffin
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