This Monday marks the first day of the fourth quarter. Can you believe it?!?!? Where has the time gone? Time certainly does fly when you are having fun!
With the start of this new quarter, please be sure to go through your child's weekly work sent home each Monday. Going through these papers is the best way to monitor your child's weekly progress and to avoid any surprises come report card time. The second way to keep up is through Teacher Ease. I try to update the grades every week, but every other week is my regular pattern. This is why I say going through the weekly packet is the best way to know how your child is doing on their tests, quizzes and practice work. Thank you!
Please check this week's Curriculum Update listed below. Don't forget, this week's mass will be on Friday, not Monday.
Curriculum Update for the Week of March 30, 2014:
Religion: Chapter 17 review; Chapter 17 Quiz on Thursday- The parts of the mass: The Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist and Concluding Rites
Math: model fractions; locate fractions on a number line; compare unit fractions; compare Fractions; introduce equivalence
Reading: Guided Reading Group 1: Read and discuss chapters 8-14 of The Wizard of Oz; Guided Reading Group 2: Read and discuss chapters 1-3 of The Hundred Dresses; Whole Group: Continue Close Reading of "The Dove and the Ant"
Language Arts: Verb Tenses- present, past and future; Vocabulary Workshop: Continue unit 5- Test next Monday
Science: Finish Chapter 6- weathering and erosion; Chapter 6 Test on Friday
Social Studies: Begin Chapter 10- Fighting for our freedoms- Spotlight on Cesar Chavez; The 13 colonies, freedom from England
Well, I hope all of you have a fantastic week. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend. Thank you for all you do to make Stella Maris Academy an amazing place to learn. Take care and God bless!
Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher
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