Sunday, March 30, 2014

Curriculum Update!

Dear Third Grade Parents,

This Monday marks the first day of the fourth quarter.  Can you believe it?!?!?  Where has the time gone?  Time certainly does fly when you are having fun!

With the start of this new quarter, please be sure to go through your child's weekly work sent home each Monday.  Going through these papers is the best way to monitor your child's weekly progress and to avoid any surprises come report card time.  The second way to keep up is through Teacher Ease.  I try to update the grades every week, but every other week is my regular pattern.  This is why I say going through the weekly packet is the best way to know how your child is doing on their tests, quizzes and practice work.  Thank you!

Please check this week's Curriculum Update listed below.  Don't forget, this week's mass will be on Friday, not Monday.

Curriculum Update for the Week of March 30, 2014:

Religion:  Chapter 17 review;  Chapter 17 Quiz on Thursday- The parts of the mass: The Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist and Concluding Rites

Math:  model fractions; locate fractions on a number line;  compare unit fractions;  compare Fractions; introduce equivalence

Reading:  Guided Reading Group 1:  Read and discuss chapters 8-14 of The Wizard of Oz;  Guided Reading Group 2:  Read and discuss chapters 1-3 of The Hundred Dresses;  Whole Group:  Continue Close Reading of "The Dove and the Ant"

Language Arts:  Verb Tenses- present, past and future; Vocabulary Workshop:  Continue unit 5- Test next Monday

Science:  Finish Chapter 6- weathering and erosion;  Chapter 6 Test on Friday

Social Studies:  Begin Chapter 10- Fighting for our freedoms- Spotlight on Cesar Chavez; The 13 colonies, freedom from England

Well, I hope all of you have a fantastic week.  Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.  Thank you for all you do to make Stella Maris Academy an amazing place to learn.  Take care and God bless!

Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dear Third Grade Parents,
     Spring has officially arrived at last!!!  I love this time of year.  The extra hours of sunlight bring out an energy in the kids that is just plain contagious.  I am often amazed at just how motivated our third grade students can be and how willing they are to forge ahead and go the extra mile.  They are truly a great class!  I am so proud of them.

With a minimum day scheduled for this Wednesday and Friday, our final week of the third quarter is promising to be quiet in terms of activities.  However, there are three quizzes the students should be prepared for.  Please be sure to check the Curriculum Update Listed below.

Curriculum Update for the Week of March 24, 2014:

Religion:  Chapter 16 Quiz on Monday;  Begin Chapter 17:  The parts of the mass- Introductory Rites, The Liturgy of the Word and The Liturgy of the Eucharist

Math:  Continue to review multiplication facts; Begin Chapter:  Exploring Fractions;  Locate fractions on a number line; Model Fractions

Language Arts:  Continue to work on writing piece, "Three Things I Love About…";  Continue lessons on Verb tenses and Vocabulary  Workshop Unit 5;  Spelling test on Friday

Reading:  Continue to meet in Guided Reading Groups;  Group 1:  Begin to read and discuss The Wizard of Oz  Chapters 1-6;  Group 2:  Finish reading Peter Pan;  Whole Group reading lesson:  Read and discuss a CLose Reading passage titled "Spring"

Science:  Continue Chapter 6-  Weathering and Erosion;  Types of Landforms quiz on Friday

Social Studies:  Continue Chapter 9-  America's Landmarks, monuments and memorials

I would like to thank Mrs. Daley for her Art Literacy lesson on Paul Klee.  The students did a fantastic job creating their own pieces of art work inspired by Klee's unique artistic style.  I cannot wait for you to see them.  The artistic talent in our class is amazing!

Finally, I would also like to thank Mrs. Koresaar, Mrs. Goldman and Mrs. Stiko for creating a special project for the class last Friday.  Their Secret Reader session was a terrific time and we learned all about using the extra things we have at home to make something beautiful.  Thank you, Moms!  We had a great time!

I hope all of you have a fantastic week.  Thank you for all you do to help make Stella Maris Academy an amazing place to learn.  Take care and God bless.

Ms. Eileen Griffin

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Curriculum Update

Dear Third Grade Parents,

I just wanted to quickly pop in to wish you a lucky week!  Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and the third graders are able to wear their school uniforms with a little green add on to bring luck to their day.

Don't forget that this Thursday is Family Math Night.  It should be a great time for  math, friends and family.  I cannot wait to see what it is all about.  I hope to see you there!

I hope your weekend has been filled with plenty of sunshine and fun.  Please be sure to check the Curriculum Update to see what we are learning this week in the fabulous third grade.

Curriculum Update for the Week of March 17, 2014:

Religion:  Finish and review chapter 16-  Celebrating the Mass and Holy Days of Obligation;  Chapter 16 Quiz on Friday

Math:  Mathematical Practices; Tangrams; Review of multiplication facts 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Language Arts:  Grammar- irregular verbs; verb tenses; Vocabulary Workshop Unit 5- completing the sentence and synonyms and antonyms;  Spelling Test on Friday

Reading:   Guided Reading Group 1:  Continue Because of Winn-Dixie writing piece;  Begin to read and discuss chapters 1-3 of The Wizard of Oz; Guided Reading Group 2:  Continue to read and discuss Peter Pan

Social Studies:  Begin Chapter 9-  National and local symbols;  America's landmarks- the Statue of Liberty, the Capitol, the Washington Monument and various memorials

Science:  Continue chapter 6-  the layers of soil; landforms and the features of the Earth's surface

This week Mrs. Daley will come in for another amazing Art Literacy project.

I wish all of you a fantastic week.  Thank you for sharing your third graders with me every school day. I truly enjoy being a part of their lives as they bring their smiles and hugs to me every day.  It is a real treat!  Thank you!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!  Thank you for all you do to make Stella Maris Academy a fabulous place to learn.  Take care and God bless!

Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Lucky Third Grade Teacher

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dear Third Grade Parents,

         How blessed our we to enjoy two weekends in a row of perfect spring time weather?!?  I hope you all have enjoyed the great outdoors these last two days.  I know I have!

         This week is looking to be pretty quiet.  Please check the Curriculum Update below to see this week's exciting lessons.

Curriculum Update for the Week of March 10, 2014:

Religion:  This week we will begin Chapter 16 and focus on the meaning and journey of Lent

Math:  Quick Quiz tomorrow on Unit 6, lessons 1-4:  Recognizing Polygons;  Perimeter and Area; Compare Areas and Perimeters; Area of Rectilinear Figures; Solve Perimeter and Area

Language Arts:  Continue Irregular Verbs; Begin Vocabulary Workshop Unit 4

Reading:  Continue to meet in Guided Reading Groups- Group 1: Finish reading and discussing Because of Winn-Dixie;  Begin reading, The Wizard of Oz  Group 2:  Continue to read and discuss Peter Pan

Social Studies:  Review Chapter 8;  Chapter 8 Test on Wednesday!  (Please note the change in day)

Science:  Continue Chapter 6:  The different types of rocks and minerals; What is soil?, The different layers of soil and the kinds of soil

Art:  Continue Navajo weaving project

I hope everyone is out enjoying the beautiful sunshine.  Have a fantastic week and thank you for all you do to make Stella Maris Academy an amazing place to learn!  Take care and God bless.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dear Third Grade Parents,

Here comes the sun…?  I hope so.  Although the rain was a much needed blessing, rain can also be difficult to navigate on a school day.  Thankfully, the third graders handled the rain all in stride last week.  Hopefully, this week the sun will peek out so the Junior Yard, aka "Whoville", can celebrate the birthday of Dr. Suess in a most Suessical way.

Tomorrow morning the entire Junior Yard will work together and rotate throughout the different classrooms to focus on six different Dr. Suess books.  The third grade classroom will focus on Bartholomew and the Ooblek.  Don't know what "oobleck" is? Well, you will just have to wait until tomorrow and learn all about it from your third grader. Tomorrow is sure to be a great day.  I can hardly wait!

In addition to our Dr. Suess day, the third and second grade classes will be hosting the all school mass this Friday.  Please be sure to come celebrate this special mass with us!

Please see this week's Curriculum Update listed below.

Curriculum Update for the Week of March 3, 2014:

Religion:  Continue Chapter 5- Holy Orders and Matrimony: The Sacraments of Service;  Chapter 5 Quiz on Friday;  All School Mass hosted by 2nd and 3rd grade this Friday

Math:  Begin Chapter 6- Triangles;  Parallelograms; Quadrilaterals; Perimeter and Area

Language Arts:  Grammar:  Verb phrases; The Predicate and Subject of a Sentence; Vocabulary Workshop: Word Association;  Word Study and Word Families;  Unit 4 Vocabulary Workshop Quiz on Thursday

Reading:  Continue Guided reading groups;  Group 1:  Read and discuss Because of Winn Dixie;  Group 2:  Read and discuss Peter Pan

Social Studies:  Continue Chapter 8:  The roles of a citizen; Citizens who serve; Terms:  election, ballot, jury, common good, public service;  Chapter 8 Test next Tuesday

Science:  Continue Chapter 6:  Minerals and Rocks;  Identifying minerals and rock groups

I hope all of you have a fantastic week.  Thank you for all you do to help make Stella Maris Academy an amazing place to learn.  It truly is the best school in San Diego!  Take care and God bless.

Ms. Griffin                                                                        

Your Third Grade Teacher

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"

                                          -  Dr. Suess