Sunday, June 7, 2015

Dear Third Grade Parents,

Well, this is the last update for this school year.  It will be short and sweet as this week is once again filled with fun activities to start our summer off in style.  Rather than give a Curriculum Update, I am just going to remind you of this week's events.

Monday- 1:00-3:00  All School End of the Year Party in the Senior Yard!!!!!!

Tuesday:  8:30-11:00  Field Day!!!!!!!

Wednesday:  Final Art Literacy Project; Minimum Day!

Thursday:  Classroom Clean-Up Day;  Minimum Day!

Friday:   The Last Day of School:0(!!!;  All School Mass at 11:15;  12:30 Dismissal- NO EXTENDED CARE

Thank you, Parents for a wonderful school year.  I have enjoyed teaching your children and being such a big part of their daily lives.  Thank you for entrusting me with their Catholic education.  I have loved every minute of it.  I cannot wait to be their teacher again in the fifth grade and to see how much they have grown.  Until then, thank you for all you do to help make SMA the BEST place to learn.  Enjoy your summer.  Take Care and God Bless!

Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher

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