Dear Third Grade Parents,
What an amazing weekend of sunshine and fun. I hope all of you are enjoying our early summer weather.
Please check the Curriculum Update below for this week's tests or quizzes. Don't forget, this Wednesday is the Third Grade field trip to the Petco Park Science Day and Padres baseball game. It should be a great day! Please be sure to remind your child to turn in their permission slip and money tomorrow if they have not done so already. Thank you!
Curriculum Update for the Week of May 4, 2014:
Religion: Chapter 19 quiz on Tuesday; Begin Chapter 22: Jesus brings God's life and love to all people; Jesus shares his mission with the Apostles; The Church works for justice and peace
Math: Review of place value and rounding whole numbers; Review of adding and subtracting three-digit numbers
Language Arts: Possessive nouns; Cumulative review of subjects, verbs, nouns and prepositions; Vocabulary Workshop Unit 7- completing the sentence and synonyms/antonyms
Reading: Guided Reading- Group 1: Finish reading and discussing The Hundred Dresses; Group 2: Continue to read and discuss Sarah, Plain and Tall; Whole Group Reading: Continue unit on Greek Mythology- Read and discuss myth of Arachne
Science: Review Chapter 7; Chapter 7 test on Friday
Social Studies: Famous American Report due Monday; Continue Chapter 11- Using resources, resources at work; factories- then and now
Art: Continue Van Gogh painting project
I hope everyone has a fantastic week. Thank you for all you do to make Stella Maris Academy an amazing place to learn. Take care and God bless!
Ms. Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher
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