Praise the Lord, the ITBS Tests are officially over! I am so proud of our hard working third graders. It was a hard working two weeks, but I am certain it will pay off and allow us to see our areas for growth and our areas of strengths. I will be sending the results home just as soon as we receive them.
This week will be a "normal" work week in that aside from our special "All Saints' Day Mass and Parade" on Friday, our day to day academic schedule will resume to include all subjects. I am looking forward to being back on track and digging in before the big holiday rush. With that being said, please take a look at this week's Curriculum Update to get an idea of what we are learning in Third Grade.
Curriculum Update for the Week of October 28, 2013:
Religion: Begin Chapter 5- The Apostles lead the Church; The Disciples of Jesus share the Good News; How the followers of Jesus stand up for their faith; Saint Report is due this Friday
Math: Making sense of two step word problems; Multiplying with multiples of Ten; Review of multiplication and division facts; focus on mathematical practices; Building fluency with 0's-10's multiplication/division facts
Reading: Review reading story, "Team Mates", a story about Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese; Comprehension Test on Wednesday
Language Arts: Complete Subjects and Complete Verbs; Direct Objects; Writing: My Favorite Time of Year- personal narrative; Vocabulary Workshop: Completing the Sentence and Word Associations- Unit 2 Test next Wednesday; Spelling Unit 6 Test on Friday- The list will be sent home on Monday to allow for the students to prepare and practice using their words.
Social Studies: Junior Achievement Class #2 with Mrs. Tejeda on Monday; Continue Chapter 2- our changing environment; Caring for our resources and ways to protect them
Science: Finish Chapter 2 and review simple and complex machines; Review the concepts of technology and the design process
Finally, I would like to give a big thank you to this week's Secret Reader, Max's very own bodyguard, aka, his dad- Mr Goldman. The class had a fantastic time listening to him read three very sweet and funny picture books- "The Story Blanket", "The Boss Baby", and "Mustache Baby". The class also enjoyed creating a fun project with the baby pictures they brought in. I won't spill the beans as our fabulous room mom is busy creating a group display of these fun looking photos. I cannot wait to see it!
Well, that is all for now. Don't forget, this Friday is All Saints' Day! The school will attend mass on Friday and have the annual parade of saints. Please be sure to come and join us for this special celebration.
Have a fantastic week! Thank you for all you do to help make Stella Maris Academy an amazing place to learn. I feel so blessed and fortunate to be a part of this community. Take care and God bless!
Ms. Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher
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