Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome to Third Grade!!!

Dear Third Grade Parents,

I would like to take this time to thank all of you who were able to attend last night's Meet the Teacher Night.  I cannot tell you how overwhelmed and touched I was by your warm reception and enthusiasm for the start of this new academic year at Stella Maris Academy.  I am truly looking forward to working with all of you to make this year a success for our third graders.  It is going to be fantastic!

I would also like to introduce you to our class blog, The Third Grade Star Report.  This is where you will be able to find all of my weekly curriculum updates so you have a general sense of the topics we will be covering in the classroom throughout the week.  Please keep in mind, this is meant to be a general update and at times, you may see topics carry over into the following week.  This will all depend upon how the topics are received in the classroom.  For example, at times I have found the students are so engaged in a topic they are just not quite ready to let go.  This is when I let them take real ownership of their learning and we may continue to dig a little deeper.

The Third Grade Star Report is also a means of keeping everyone informed of what is happening in the third grade classroom (field trips, celebrations, special activities, etc.).  Please be sure to check the blog each week.  You may also want to take advantage of "following" the blog by email.  The tab to the right allows you to sign up for all blog updates to be delivered to your email inbox.  This will ensure you never miss a blog post.

More detailed information with regards to the third grade policies and procedures will be sent home with your student on Monday.  Please be on the lookout for it as the behavior section does require parent and student signatures of acknowledgement and understanding.  Your child will bring all of the information home in their white Stella Maris Academy Homework Folder.

Once again, thank you so very much for your warm reception at Meet the Teacher Night.  I am excited and eager to begin this journey with you and your children.  Thank you for entrusting me to assist you in the spiritual and academic growth of your children.  I am truly blessed to have this opportunity.  Enjoy the remaining days of your summer vacation.  Take care and God bless.

Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher

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