Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dear Third Grade Parents,

Here is this week's Curriculum Update.  Thank you for checking it every week to see what we are up to!

Curriculum Update for the Week of April 27, 2015:

Religion:  Continue Chapter 22:  Jesus shares his mission with his disciples; The Church works for justice and peace; We live out the Good News of Christ:  May Crowning on Friday before all school Mass

Math:  Unit 6 Review; Chapter 6 Test on Tuesday;Begin chapter 7:  understand fractions; model fractions

Reading:  Continue in guided reading groups;  Continue The Mouse and the Motorcycle:  Read and discuss chapters 5-8

Language Arts:  Grammar:  Review unit on nouns;  Nouns test on Wednesday;  Begin unit on Adjectives:  descriptive adjectives;  Spelling test on Friday;  Vocabulary Workshop:  continue unit 8- word associations and word study

Social Studies:  American landmarks; songs and words of liberty; charters of freedom

Science:  Continue chapter 9:  How light and matter interact; path of light and how light interacts and changes;

Art:  Learn about the life and art of Romero Britto;  Use pattern and line to make a picture in the style of Romero; Use analogous colors to make patterns;  Art Literacy:  Learn about the life and work of Marc Chagall

Music:  Review songs for May Crowning;  Continue to learn how to read music and play the recorders

Have a wonderful week.  Thank you for all you do to make Stella Maris Academy a terrific place to learn.  Take care and God bless!

Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dear Third Grade Parents,

What an amazing weekend of sunshine and the perfect weekend weather.  I hope all of you had the opportunity to go out and enjoy it!

Here is this week's Curriculum Update.

Curriculum Update for the Week of April 19, 2015:

Religion:  Review of Chapter 19- Anointing of the Sick; Jesus healed and cared for the sick; Eternal life with God; Chapter 19 Quiz on Thursday;  Begin Chapter 20

Math:  Compare areas and perimeters; area of rectilinear figures; solve perimeter and area word problems; tangram shapes and area

Reading:  Continue to read and discuss novels in guided reading groups; Begin Beverly Cleary novel, The Mouse and the Motorcycle: chapters 1- 4

Language Arts:  Continue unit on Nouns:  common and proper nouns; singular and plural nouns; Vocabulary Workshop:  Continue unit 8:  synonyms and antonyms and completing the sentence; Writing: a look at poetry and creating original poems to share

Science:  Continue Chapter 9:  How energy changes form and travels

Social Studies:  Continue Chapter 9: Getting to know the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance and flag flying holidays; American Landmarks and City monuments

Art:  Continue to work on and finish Navajo weaving

Music: Continue to learn how to read music and play the recorders.

Have a wonderful week and in the mean time, go out and enjoy this beautiful Sunday sunshine!  Thank you for all you do to make Stella Maris Academy a fabulous place to laugh and learn.  Take care and God bless!

Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Easter!

Dear Third Grade Parents,

Happy Easter!  I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter vacation and enjoyed some solid family time.  I cannot believe we are now in the final stretch of the school year.  WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

Thank you for continuing to check in here each week to stay connected to what the third grade is learning.  Here is the latest Curriculum Update!

Curriculum Update for the Week of April 12, 2015:

Religion:  Begin Chapter 19- Jesus cared for and healed the sick; the Sacrament of Healing; Eternal life with God

Math:  Continue Chapter 6- perimeter and area; lengths with area and perimeter; area of rectilinear figures

Reading:  Continue Greek Mythology; Guided Reading Groups- Continue in groups to read and discuss chapters 8-11 of group novels: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Penderwicks, Tuesdays at the Castle

Language Arts:  Finish unit on Verbs;  Verbs quiz on Thursday;  Begin unit on nouns- proper nouns and identify nouns; Vocabulary Workshop:  Begin Unit 7; Spelling Test on Thursday

Social Studies:  Begin Chapter 9- national and local symbols; patriotism

Science:  Finish chapter 8- how matter is measured; Begin chapter 9- forms of energy: electrical, sound and mechanical energy; potential and kinetic energy

Have a wonderful week of spring time sunshine!  Thank you for all you do to help make Stella Maris Academy the best place to learn and laugh.  Take care and God bless!

Ms. Eileen Griffin
Your Third Grade Teacher